- 该片改编自真实事件,讲述一名年轻的伊拉克警察被尼尼微的特种部队从交火中救出,此后加入了一支10人小队,他们筹划游击行动,要从ISIS手中夺回自己的家园。
2To save his brother from the hands of narcos in Medellin, Reda gathers a team to raid the kidnappers in Colombia. To save his brother from the hands- 在发现一名年轻男子的遗骨后,莉亚在 90 年代醒来,并经历了七次身体交换。与此同时,她试图解开这名男子的死亡谜团,并阻止悲剧的发生。
2In the fall of 2016, an army of over 100,000 Iraqi soldiers and militiamen mobilize to liberate Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, from the clutch